What are the measures for Overcoming the challenges of sustainable development goals?
There are various measures for overcoming the challenges of sustainable development goals.
Defined Leadership and Ownership
Government should define or create an organization to fully manipulate and monitor all the SDGs, Along with full role and responsibilities. This will ensure that all policies, legislation, investment, actions etc. are planned and implemented well in time and responsibly carried out.
Measures for social inclusions
Some measure for social inclusions are different according to the demographics, climate changes, cultural and social changes. But, we can solve those problems according to the situations, because different reasons required different actions such as required policy changes, or technology yp-gradation or awareness campaigns and so forth. Each of the reason should dealt with proper policy, legislation, technology, awareness, implementation and effortful action.
Defined Scope
The scope and spread for each of the SDGs should be well laid out along with timeline with clearly marked expected milestones.
Clear Indicators
There should be clearly defined indicators that help monitor the progress both at the quantity level and the quality level.
Correct and Ample Data for Progress Monitoring
To monitor progress, correct and ample data must be collected at regular intervals. Since data is to be collected against indicators, the indicator must be well defined.
Financing SDGs
The challenges of finance for SDGs can be overcome in following ways:
(a) By utilising government higher education and research institutions like IISc, IITs, IIMs, IISERs for designing, and developing required technology and methodology as much as possible. This would lessen the financial burden to some extent.
(b)Public Private Partnerships. Government can encourage private players for investing in this sector with public partnership.