You are currently viewing Session 5: Parts of a Sentence & Parts of Speech
Parts of Sentence & Parts of Speech

Session 5: Parts of a Sentence & Parts of Speech

Sentences can be divided into three major parts-

  • Subject
  • Predicate
  • Object

In the simplest form, Sentence has two parts:

(a)– Subject, and (b)– Predicate

1). The Subject

The Subject of Sentence tells “Who is performing the action of the sentence”. It can be person, place or thing. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about.

For example -: The old man built a road. (The old man is a subject.)

2). The Predicate

The predicate says something about the subject. The predicate of a sentence includes the verb and everything that follows it.

For example-: The old man built a road. (built a road is a predicate.)

3). The object

The object is also a part of the predicate. Objects tell about the things being acted upon by the verb.

For example-: The old man built a road.

-the object is ‘a road‘.

-the verb is ‘built‘.

Parts of Speech

Here, we are going to see various parts of Speech.

1). Noun

A word for a person, place or thing.

Example-: Prajjwal, Akhand-nagar, laptop.

2). Pronoun

A word that stands in for a noun.

Example-: He, She, It, They.

3). Verb

A doing word.

Example-: Cried, jumped, is, was, will, e.t.c.

4). Adjective

A word that describes a noun or pronoun.

Example-: green pole, young girl. (both colored words are adjectives).

5). Article

A word that introduces a noun.

Example -: A Box, the Taj mahal. (Red color words are articles).

6). Adverb

A word that describes an adjective, adverb or verb.

Example-: He jumped quickly. (quickly).

7). Preposition

A word that shows the position in time or space.

Example-: Prajjwal runs fast and reaches the school on the right time. (Red color word is preposition.)

8). Conjunction

A word that connects two sentences together. (Sometimes called a connective).

Example-: He is a fatty boy but he is running very fast. (Red color word is conjunction.)

9). Interjection

An outburst or word people say when they are playing for time.

Example-: hey, well, now, so. (These are interjection words).

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