You are currently viewing Chapter 9: HTML: Class 7th CBSE Board

Chapter 9: HTML: Class 7th CBSE Board

Q.1 Write the full form of HTML?

HTML stands for “Hypertext markup language”.

Q.2 How is HTML useful for us?

HTML is very useful for us to create, and design different type of web pages. Those web pages can be accessed through online and even offline.

Q.3 How would you design a web page using HTML? Give a few suggestions.

When we design a web page using HTML. we should have some resources to write and run our html scripts. These resources are as follows –

  • Text Editor (Notepad, WordPad, Visual Editor, etc.)
  • Web Browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome).

Q.4 HTML is a cross platform language. ‘What do you understand by this statement’?

HTML is a cross platform language means its script can run on all operating system’s browser without re-editing the script.

Q.5 What are tags?

Tags are generally HTML commands that are used in different places according to their requirement in your HTML Script.

Q.6 What are Head and Body elements?

  • Head -: This element refers to a section in which all prerequisites are defined.
  • Body -: This element refers to a section in which all other elements are defined.

Q.7 What is TITLE Elements?

Title elements refers to a title of your webpage.

Q.8 What is LINK element? Describe the attributes?

The <linktag defines the relationship between the current document and an external resource. The <linktag is most often used to link to external style sheets. Its major attributes are -: href, rel, title, type.

Q.9 Which attribute helps in enhancing the visual effects?

There are various attributes to help in enhancing the visual effects. some attributes are -: href, position, bgcolor, src.

Q.10 Explain the difference between Link, Alink, and VLink attributes?

The ALINK attribute specifies the color of an active link in a document. The VLINK attribute specifies the color of visited links in the document.

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